[vtkusers] [VTK 5.0, Mac OS 10.4.9] Examples

Mike Jackson imikejackson at gmail.com
Sat May 5 20:16:52 EDT 2007

I am not quite sure what happens when you turn on Examples, BUT if  
you look in the Examples folder, then start digging down into a  
particular example, say Rendering, then look in the Cxx folder, there  
is a CMakeLists.txt file that you can use with CMake to build the  
example. Just make another Build folder and the do the usual cmake  
    If you want to leave Xcode out of the loop, then you can just  
have cmake generate a makefile for the example that you are  
interested in, then just build and run the example.

If you use Xcode.. then not sure. I use Eclipse CDT + Cmake + VTK  
Mike Jackson   Senior Research Engineer
Innovative Management & Technology Services

On May 5, 2007, at 5:16 PM, David Goldsmith wrote:

> When I switch EXAMPLES on in CMake, does make; make install then  
> just install their cxx files, or it supposed to actually build  
> executables?  If the latter, I'm having trouble finding them -  
> where should they be?  If the former, anyone have any Xcode  
> projects and/or make files for building them?  Thanks!
> DG
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