[vtkusers] Problems linking a program with Vtk 5.0 on MacosX

Martin Costabel costabel at wanadoo.fr
Mon Mar 26 15:52:52 EDT 2007

Roger Phillips wrote:
> Hello folks,
> currently I'm trying to link a program using Vtk 5.0, but I get tons of 
> undefined symbol errors:

Did you compile vtk yourself, with the same compiler?

Some of these symbols:
> /usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
> vtkMapper2D::CollectRevisions(std::basic_ostream<char, 
> std::char_traits<char> >&)
> vtkMapper2D::PrintSelf(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> 
>  >&, vtkIndent)
> vtkProcessObject::RemoveInput(vtkDataObject*)

are defined in the libraries you are linking to. I don't believe the 
libraries are not found; the error message would be different. Either 
the symbols are not seen because of different name mangling by different 
binary incompatible C++ compilers, or the libraries that are found are 
not those you think they are. Perhaps you have some old vtk-4.4 parts 
lying around?

> __ZNSt8ios_base4InitC4Ev

This one is interesting, because it used to be in the vtk-4.4 sources, 
but it has disappeared in vtk-5.0. Is it in your sources? If not, this 
would prove that at least some of your vtk libraries are older than 5.0.


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