[vtkusers] MINC data

Francesco Pasqualini docfra81 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 17 10:44:12 EDT 2007

I'm a really newbe, have one of you any idea if the PET SORTEO  
simulated data are minc1 or minc2 ?
the second question is: one of you have the cxx code and the  
cmakelist.txt file to generate a project with this purpose?

thanks a lot

Il giorno 17/mar/07, alle ore 14:43, David Gobbi ha scritto:

> Hi Francesco,
> In the VTK nightly releases (VTK 5.1) there is a vtkMINCImageReader  
> that I added a few months ago.  It supports MINC-1 (netcdf) but not  
> MINC-2 (hdf5).  There is a MINC-2 reader for ITK that has been  
> contributed to the Insight Journal.
>  - David
> On 3/17/07, Francesco Pasqualini <docfra81 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi list,
> it's possible to operate on these kind of data under VTK (or ITK)
> what is the right code to do this?!
> thanks a lot
> Francesco
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