[vtkusers] Adding OS X custom RPATHS/Install_name to libraries

Mike Jackson imikejackson at gmail.com
Fri Mar 16 11:56:19 EDT 2007

Since it is a slow friday I decided to enhance me "install_name" hack  
so that I can submit it as an enhancement. I have started testing  
this and I am trying to replicate the settings in CMake that will  
encode the "install prefix" into the libraries. So for example my  
install prefix is /usr/local. I have set "CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH" both on  
and off and i either get no install_name or I get where the libs are  
initially built, but not where I want to install them.

I know VTK can do this so where is that code that resets the  
install_name or what setting combinations need to supposedly be set  
to allow this?

Hopefully I can have a working patch by the end of the day for the  
cmake coders to look over.
Mike Jackson   Senior Research Engineer
Innovative Management & Technology Services

On Mar 16, 2007, at 10:50 AM, Sean McBride wrote:

> On 3/16/07 10:44 AM, Mike Jackson said:
>> With a library, you can do the same thing with the install_name. I
>> know frameworks are advocated by Apple, and I like them, but I
>> _think_ getting the install_name thing fixed may be easier. With the
>> framework approach you have to build the directory structure and all
>> that. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see this support in CMake,
>> but I'll take anything I can get.
> Agreed.
>>   The sad part is the hack that I did to set the install_name isn't
>> that difficult:
>> I introduce a new variable for OS X: OSX_EMBEDDED_LIBRARY
>> If this is set, then another option is presented to set the
>> install_name prefix (OSX_EMBEDDED_LIBRARY_FOLDER). The default is
>> "PlugIns" but the user can change this if they want to anything else.
>> Here is the relevant part of the Darwin.cmake file that is in the
>> following location:
> Well, that looks great.  Have you filed this in a bug?  It would be  
> nice
> if the choice between @executable_path and @loader_path was  
> settable too.
> --
> ____________________________________________________________
> Sean McBride, B. Eng                 sean at rogue-research.com
> Rogue Research                        www.rogue-research.com
> Mac Software Developer              Montréal, Québec, Canada

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