[vtkusers] Re: Delete Cells from vtkPolyData

Mike Jackson imikejackson at gmail.com
Thu Mar 1 15:19:47 EST 2007

And does the same go for inserting cells? I am trying to "split" a  
manifold edge at its points which means I need to add a new point and  
then change the cell so that it references this new point. Do I have  
to rebuild the links each time? I seem to be hitting a point where  
after I have added some new points, when I attempt to use the  
GetEdgeNeighbors(...) the method fails with a "Exec_bad_access"  
error. Which to me seems like I am walking of the end of an array or  
maybe something else that did not get updated.

Thanks for any help from anyone.
Mike Jackson   Senior Research Engineer
Innovative Management & Technology Services

On Mar 1, 2007, at 6:03 AM, Goodwin Lawlor wrote:

> Mike Jackson wrote:
>> So, just how do I actually delete a cell from a vtkPolyData?
> <snip>
>> I did read some archive threads where it was suggested to just  
>> build a new vtkPolyData object instead of trying to change the  
>> first vtkPolyData Object. Is there truth to that?
> That's correct - the cells/points list aren't random access so when  
> you pluck a cell out of the middle of the list you have to reorder  
> the list after that point.
> You can have a look at this class to get an idea:
> http://vtkbioeng.cvs.sourceforge.net/*checkout*/vtkbioeng/vtkbioeng/ 
> vtkCellsFilter.cxx
> Basically, vtkPolyData::CopyCells(vtkPolyData, vtkCellList) does a  
> lot of the work for you.
> hth,
> Goodwin
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