[vtkusers] Problem mapping scalars to colors using a vtkLookupTable

David.Pont at ensisjv.com David.Pont at ensisjv.com
Mon Jul 2 16:38:51 EDT 2007

"Peter Kok" <peter.kok at gmail.com> wrote on 01/07/2007 23:00:47:

> Hello Geofram and others,
> I finally found an embarrassingly simple solution to set a
> vtkColorTransferFunction in a vtkImagePlaneWidget. It is as simple
> as setting the transfer function in the image plane's color map
> using ipw.GetColorMap().SetLookupTable(ctf) instead of ipw.
> SetLookupTable(...).
> Now, if only a vtkColorTransferFunction would allow you to specify
> an opacity for each scalar... Are there any classes that do such things?

   can you use a vtkLookupTable (which has alpha) instead of a
  regards, Dave P

> Regards,
> Peter
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