[vtkusers] vtkWindowToImageFilter

zx_sanjin at 163.com zx_sanjin at 163.com
Tue Jan 16 02:00:11 EST 2007

hey all, 
I’m using the vtkWindowToImageFilter class for the screen shot to a image file. I used VS2005, vtk 4.1 under the windowXP. 


Here is my code: 


     vtkRenderWindow* pRenderWindow = pWindow->getRenderWindow();


     vtkWindowToImageFilter* pWindowToImageFilter = vtkWindowToImageFilter::New();




     vtkBMPWriter* pBMPWriter = vtkBMPWriter::New();








When the render image size smaller than the screen size, in the other words, when you can see the whole image in the screen, these code work fine;

But, when the render image size bigger than the screen size, in the other words, after zoom in, when you can only see a part of the image, you can only get what you see, the saved image size is same to screen’s size. 

I want to get the whole image data to image file, who can help me, thanks for any advice!




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