[vtkusers] Re: Fill contours with Pixels

Goodwin Lawlor goodwin.lawlor at ucd.ie
Wed Feb 14 12:37:47 EST 2007

Kent Eschenberg wrote:
>> Mike Jackson wrote:
>>> I tried again, but I still get these errors:
>>> Warning: In 
>>> /Users/Shared/OpenSource/VTK-5.0.2/Filtering/vtkPolygon.cxx, line 562
>>> vtkPolygon (0xb300910): Degenerate polygon encountered during 
>>> triangulation
> I've attached a short Python program that uses VTK to look for bad 
> triangles and other problems. I too had a problem with bad triangles and 
> could not find a simple tool to look for them.

Hi Kent,

I've had problems with degenerate triangles too - you get a segfault 
when you pick them with vtkCellPicker...

Maybe your code could fit into the vtkMeshQuality class. Something like 
"SetTriangleQualityMeasureToArea()" ... you could then threshold out the 
bad triangles if you wanted.


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