[vtkusers] Surface color

Gheorghe Postelnicu gheorghe.postelnicu at gmail.com
Wed Feb 7 14:24:56 EST 2007


I am using the implicit modelling tools provided by VTK and I ran
across the following issue: consider the following toy example code
which builds a sphere using either the SphereSource method or an
implicit pipeline.

The problem is that whenever I display an implicit sphere, its color
is red and I can't seem to figure out how to make it become gray, just
like the original surface.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


package require vtk
package require vtkinteraction
package require vtktesting

vtkPolyDataMapper mapper

vtkActor actor
actor SetMapper mapper

eval [actor GetProperty] SetColor .5 .5 .5

vtkRenderer ren1
ren1 AddActor actor

vtkRenderWindow renWin
renWin AddRenderer ren1

proc Show_smooth {} {
    vtkSphereSource vtks
    vtks Update
    mapper SetInput [vtks GetOutput]
    vtks Delete

proc Show_bumpy {} {
    vtkSphere vtks
    vtkPerlinNoise pin

    vtkImplicitSum sum
    sum SetNormalizeByWeight 1
    sum AddFunction vtks
    sum AddFunction pin .2

    vtkSampleFunction sample
    sample SetImplicitFunction sum
    sample SetSampleDimensions 20 20 20
    sample SetModelBounds -2. 2. -2. 2. -2. 2.
    sample ComputeNormalsOn

    vtkContourFilter surface
    surface SetInputConnection [sample GetOutputPort]
    surface SetValue 0 0

    mapper SetInput [surface GetOutput]
    eval [actor GetProperty] SetColor .5 .5 .5
    renWin Render

    surface Delete
    sample Delete
    sum Delete
    pin Delete
    vtks Delete

set vtkw [vtkTkRenderWidget .ren \
	      -width 600 \
	      -height 600 \
	      -rw renWin ]

::vtk::bind_tk_render_widget $vtkw

frame .btns

renWin Render

set radioType "smooth"
foreach type {smooth bumpy} {
    set gui_${type} [ radiobutton .btns.${type} \
			  -command "Show_${type}" \
			  -variable radioType \
			  -value "$type" \
			  -text "$type" ]
pack $gui_smooth $gui_bumpy \
    -side left -fill both -ipady 5 -expand 1

pack .btns $vtkw -side left -fill both -expand yes

wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW ::vtk::cb_exit

tkwait window .



Gheorghe Postelnicu, PhD
MGH, Harvard Medical School

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