[vtkusers] Re: 3D reconstitution and contour Filtring

Mohamed Ben Reguiga breguiga_mh at yahoo.fr
Wed Feb 7 11:40:23 EST 2007

Hi Michael

I really thank you for your help!
I 'll follow your advice to reduce the number of polygones and I've found an exemple for the reduction of the number of the polygones and it uses triangles to create the mesh! 
take a look to this page : http://www.crd.ge.com/esl/cgsp/projects/makevw/march.html.
it's in TCL but you can transform it in C++!
now I can display all the volume (330 slices) but the result is not very nice!

if you have somme source code using the filtering contour , please send them to me!

thank you a lot for your help!



----- Message d'origine ----
De : Michael Knopke <Michael.Knopke at gmx.de>
À : vtkusers at vtk.org
Envoyé le : Mercredi, 7 Février 2007, 16h17mn 18s
Objet : [vtkusers] Re: Please Help : 3D reconstitution and contour Filtring

Regarding the time it takes: You will reduce the calculation time to a maximum if you reduce the output beforehand with vtkImageShrink3D, but with a cost of quality of course.


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