[vtkusers] RE: newbie compile question -- SOLVED

Hughes, Mike msh at cmrl.wustl.edu
Wed Dec 19 16:38:57 EST 2007

Thanks to Mike Jackson, for the suggestion that I check the values of qmake,
moc, uis, and uic (and set them to the correct values if the fields are
On my system (Ubuntu "Gutsy") the correct values are:
Once these are set within ccmake, it generates a working Makefile that
produces working executables for the QT examples.
>I've just downloaded VTK and I'm trying to compile some of the example VTK
code found in:
>    ../VTK/VTK/Examples/GUI/Qt
>I cd to the directory above. It has the contents:
>    CMakeCache.txt cmake_install.cmake Events Makefile
>    CMakeFiles CMakeLists.txt ImageViewer SimpleView
>I type:
>    ccmake .
>but I am not able to correctly set the vairable:
>I have both have a standard Ubuntu "Gutsy" installation (which seems to have
both qt 3 and 4 installed by default?)
>I've tried the following values for DESIRED_QT_VERSION: qt4, qt 4, Qt 4, Qt
4.0, Qt4, Qt4.0, 4, 4.0, 4.3.2 (afer looking in /usr/lib)
>I always get the same error when I try to configure:
>    CMake was unable to find desired QT version: 4.3.2. Set advanced values
>    Qt GUI library not found.
>    Qt CORE library not found.
>    CMake was unable to find desired QT version: 4.3.2. Set advanced values
>    Qt GUI library not found.
>    Qt CORE library not found.
>    CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
>    Unknown CMake command "QT4_WRAP_UI".
>I've looked in CMakeLists.txt, its contents are:
>    SUBDIRS(ImageViewer SimpleView Events)
>which doesn't seem to tell me much.
>How do I correctly set this variable (I've also tried the values: qt3, qt 3,
Qt 3, Qt 3.0, Qt3, Qt3.0, 3, 3.0)?
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