[vtkusers] vtkImageData python

Jose David Pfuturi Huisa daviddarkzero at hotmail.com
Sun Dec 9 16:37:59 EST 2007

Hello everybody
I want to create an image with vtkImagedata, i saw an example using C++ code as follows:
int x,y;vtkImageData *image;image=vtkImageData::New();image->SetDimensions(256,256,1);image->SetScalarTypeToFloat();image->AllocateScalars();float *ptr=static_cast<float*>(image->GetScalarPointer());for(y=0;y<256;++y){   for(x=0;x<256;++x)        {*ptr++=10.0*sin(0.1*x)*sin(0.1*y);
vtkImageViewer *viewer=vtkImageViewer::New();viewer->SetInput(image);viewer->SetColorWindow(20);viewer->SetColorLevel(0);viewer->Render();
How could i do it using Python? i tried to do it but GetScalarPointer() returns a pointer and in c++ this pointer stores the scalar value each position but on Python i dont know how i can do it.
image=vtkImageData()image.SetDimensions(256,256,1)image.SetOrigin(0,0,0)image.SetScalarTypeToUnsignedChar ()image.AllocateScalars ()
for y in range(0,256):    for x in range(0,256):          #?viewer=vtkImageViewer();viewer.SetInput(image);viewer.SetColorWindow(20);viewer.SetColorLevel(0);
In *ptr++=10.0*sin(0.1*x)*sin(0.1*y) i suppose that it changes the pixel value, true?
if not then, an image has pixels, and this pixels has a RGB value, How could i get this value (each pixel)?
thanks a lot
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