[vtkusers] Using VTK Point Locator
Donald Johnson
nalkar at earthlink.net
Fri Dec 7 02:02:45 EST 2007
Can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong here? Im trying to filter a
very dense set of poly lines so that it can be viewed. My plan was to
only add new poly lines that had no points close to the points of
lines that had already been added to the output. To do this i
created a vtkPointLocator and initialized it with a vtkPoints that
contained only the points from the first line. I would then check the
points of every other line and if none of the points where to close i
would add them to the vtkPoints, rebuild the locator and continue.
The problem is the locator always return the id -1 for the nearest
point even when i check the first line, where it should find exact
// get the info objects
vtkInformation *inInfo = inputVector[0]->GetInformationObject(0);
vtkInformation *outInfo = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0);
// get the input and ouptut
vtkPolyData *input = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(inInfo->
vtkPolyData *output = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(outInfo->
vtkPoints *inPts = input->GetPoints();
vtkIdType numPts = input->GetNumberOfPoints();
vtkPoints *outPts = vtkPoints::New();
int n = outPts->GetNumberOfPoints();
vtkPointData *inputPD = input->GetPointData();
vtkCellData *inputCD = input->GetCellData();
vtkDebugMacro(<<"Beginning Line Spacing clean");
if ( (numPts < 1) || (inPts == NULL ) )
vtkDebugMacro(<<"No data points");
return 1;
vtkCellArray* inLines = input->GetLines();
vtkIdType numLines = inLines->GetNumberOfCells();
vtkCellArray* outLines = vtkCellArray::New();
if ( (numLines < 1) || (inLines == NULL ) )
vtkDebugMacro(<<"No data lines");
return 1;
vtkIdType inCellID = 0, newId;
int i, j;
vtkIdType ptId;
vtkIdType npts = 0;
vtkIdType *pts = 0;
double x[3];
double newx[3];
double d2;
double bounds[6];
vtkIdType insertPointId;
vtkIdType insertCellId;
// seed the output points and lines with the first line
for(i = 0; i < npts; ++i )
insertPointId = outPts->InsertNextPoint(x);
insertCellId = outLines->InsertNextCell(npts,pts);
// calculate the bounds of the input data set
// set the locator to insert into out points and use the input
datasets bounds
if ( !this->GetAbortExecute() && inLines->GetNumberOfCells() > 0 )
// loop should be from 1 to GetNumberOfCells -1
for(i = 0; i < inLines->GetNumberOfCells(); ++i)
bool pass = true;
for( j = 0; j < npts; ++j )
ptId = Locator->FindClosestPoint(x); // ptId is always -1
if ( ptId != -1 )
pass = false;
if ( pass )
// add the points to the output points
// add the line to output lines
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