[vtkusers] Format of legacy parallel VTK files

Kent Eschenberg eschenbe at psc.edu
Thu Aug 16 17:12:40 EDT 2007

Thorsten Becker wrote:
> I am trying to find out the non-XML, legacy parallel VTK format that is
> mentioned in the VTK User's Guide. I did a web search and bought the
> User's Guide, with zero results.

Its on the VTK site under "Technical Documents".

> The book only briefly describes the
> XML parallel format, and I would like to know how to tell Paraview, or
> some other software, that several legacy .vtk files (unstructured
> grids) actually make up a single model. 

The PVD file almost does what you want but it only pulls together the 
XML-style formats. However there are utilities (may be with source) to 
convert legacy to XML.

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

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