[vtkusers] Creating a vtkImageData from scratch reading DICOM files with DCMTK

Jesús Spí­nola jspinola at gmail.com
Thu Aug 16 09:47:07 EDT 2007

Hi vtkusers,

I want to read some DICOM files into one vtkImageData. To read the pixel
data from the DICOM files I want to use the DCMTK libraries. The
vtkImageData object will contain several DICOM images so I want to load the
pixel data into vtkImageData file by file.

First I allocate the vtkImageData and then I load the files in a bucle from
dcmtk (DicomImage class) to the vtkImageData object. The images are loaded
correctly by dcmtk ( I dumped the images in a png file and they're ok ) but
when I want to view the images with vtkImageViewer2 they are completely
dark, so it seems no data is loaded at all. Following there's the code
snippet I use to do that. I also tried to read the pixel data with
DcmDataset::findAndGetUint16Array(DCM_PixelData,..) instead of DicomImage,
but with no success.

Has anyone any suggestions of what I'm probably missing or doing wrong?

// first we allocate the data
m_imageDataVTK = vtkImageData::New();
m_imageDataVTK->SetOrigin( origin );
m_imageDataVTK->SetSpacing( spacing );
m_imageDataVTK->SetDimensions( rows, columns, slices );
m_imageDataVTK->SetScalarTypeToUnsignedShort(); // the data will be 16 bit

// now we load all the images
int zSlice = 0;

    foreach( Image *image, m_imageSet )
        DicomImage *dicomImage = new DicomImage( qPrintable(
image->getPath() ) ); // we load a new Image
        if( dicomImage != NULL )
            if( dicomImage->getStatus() == EIS_Normal )
                if( dicomImage->getOutputData(16) != NULL )
                    // we copy the data in the dcmtk buffer to the
vtkImageData one
                    memcpy((unsigned short
*)m_imageDataVTK->GetScalarPointer(0,0,zSlice), (unsigned short
*)dicomImage->getOutputData(16), dicomImage->getOutputDataSize() );

Thanks in advance!
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