[vtkusers] Load movie to VTK project

David Gobbi dgobbi at atamai.com
Mon Apr 23 14:34:50 EDT 2007

Amy Squillacote wrote:
> Sean McBride wrote:
>> On 2007-04-23 14:26, piotr piotr said:
>>> I'm new in VTK :) and i need load movie in avi format to my project. 
>>> Is it
>>> posibel to do it ??
>>> If yes can you tell me how.
>> Go to this page: <http://www.vtk.org/doc/nightly/html/classes.html> and
>> search for "AVI".
> VTK provides support for writing out AVIs, and unless I'm missing 
> something the original question was about loading AVIs into VTK to use 
> them as textures. To the best of my knowledge, this functionality is 
> not supported in VTK.
> - Amy

Hypothetically, the vtkWin32VideoSource could be modified so that it 
could read AVI files.  It wouldn't be an easy thing to do, since right 
now it uses the Video for Windows API to grab from a video digitizer 
rather than to play movies, but most of the necessary code is already in 

 - David

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