[vtkusers] Getting the Hull of a set of points

Meisam Aliroteh meisam.aliroteh at gmail.com
Fri Apr 20 15:54:49 EDT 2007

Hi All,

I need to obtain the Hull of a set of points in 3D that could be a convex
OR CONCAVE hull. I've already used Delauny3D and Quick Hull algorithms but
they only expect/return a convex hull. I believe my problem is a smaller
subset of the more general problem of obtaining the hull of a point set.

I've coded a program that allows the user to draw/mark a set of points on 2
oblique planes. Then I would like to connect these points to obtain the
hull. I already know how to obtain the convex/concave hull of the points on
their own plane (i.e. generating a convex/concave contour in those planes).
The problem is how to connect these two contours to get a 3D hull which
could be convex or concave (maybe some kind of "skirting" algorithm !?! ).
I'm pretty sure this is can be done but I could not find an example on the

I would really appreciate any help.
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