[vtkusers] Re: small error using vtkImagePlaneWidget?

dean.inglis at camris.ca dean.inglis at camris.ca
Sun Apr 15 17:01:16 EDT 2007


this is because the widget does not 
make the input image data as part of a 
regular pipeline. The widget is NOT a filter,
just a widget for viewing and manipulating
the view of it.  If you really want to reslice the
data, use a separate vtkImageReslice and pipeline.
This has been done with most vtk widgets: they
are just observers.  So, this brings up an 
important design issue with widgets: should we
allow access to the inner widget "pipeline"
and if so, then widgets should maintain
proper pipeline input connections etc. otherwise,
there should be no API access to intermediate


> Subject: small error using vtkImagePlaneWidget?
> Hi,
> I've set up a pipeline between vtkImagePlaneWidget and vtkImageData.
> It looks like this:
>     vtkImageData* pImgData = pPlaneWidget->GetResliceOutput();
>     pImgData->Update();
>     pImageViewer2->SetInput(pImageData);
> This works it most cases. I can spin the plane widget using the mouse
> as is setup by default. When I spin the plane close to 90 degrees, I
> get a VTK error as soon as Update() is called on pImgData:
>     ERROR: In .\vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline.cxx, line 667
> vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline (05306378): The update extent
> specified in the information for output port 0 on algorithm
> vtkImageReslice(052DB2A8) is 0 511 0 63 0 0, which is outside the
> whole extent 0 255 0 63 0 0.
> I don't understand how the extents are not matching when the plane is
> spun at this certain angle - I'm not modifying anything, just letting
> the pipeline do the work. Any idea as to what I've done wrong here?
> Thanks,
> Mark

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