[vtkusers] vtk binary

Marocchino, Alberto a.marocchino at imperial.ac.uk
Mon Sep 25 10:55:02 EDT 2006

Hello everybody,
I am trying to interface a f77 program with vtk files.
What binary format/standard should I use in order to make read my f77 binary files by paraview?
Both the version, form='binary' and form='unformatted' give wrong results. It seems that paraview it is not able to understand the binary and convert it...
maybe it is a stupid question... it is but I have no idea how to proceed...
cheers to anyone can help me
Marocchino Alberto
PhD / Research Assistant
Plasma Physics Group, 
Blackett Laboratory, 
Imperial College, 
Prince Consort Road, 
London, SW7 2BW, U.K.
tel. 44 20 7594 7649 
fax. 44 20 7594 7658 
Skype coyote_from_los_alamos
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