[vtkusers] Re: Why am I always running low on memory?

Rashed Karim rashed.karim at gmail.com
Mon Sep 4 03:10:27 EDT 2006

Hi Liu,

You are right, I am doing renWin -> AddRenderer( ) several times, although
not inside a loop. How can I avoid doing this. Everytime I click a button on
my program, I am creating a new rendering on the same renderer window and
that's why everytime I am doing AddRenderer( ). How can I not do
AddRenderer( ) everytime? Any ideas?

Thanks for all your help,

Rashed karim

On 9/4/06, Yixun Liu <yxliu at fudan.edu.cn> wrote:
>  Hi,
> You can delete a filter immediately after its output has been past to its
> downstream filter. For example filter2->SetInput(filter1->GetOutput());
> filter1->Delete();
> Do you put renWin->AddRenderer() in a loop or call renWin->AddRenderer()
> often. Note that the same renderer will be added many  times in the renWin
> if you call AddRenderer() in a loop. Two or three renderers will make your
> program run very slow.
> Cheers,
> Yixun Liu

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