[vtkusers] Re: problem with fitting image into viewport

Thomas Lambertz thomas at hexerei-software.de
Tue May 30 15:25:52 EDT 2006

Goodwin Lawlor wrote:
> Thomas Lambertz wrote:
>> Hi Goodwin,
>> thx for your answer. The link is unfortuantly one of the ones i based 
>> my code on. They used a vtkActor which seemes to work fine.
>> I am still not sure wether it has to do with vtkActor2D or the 
>> vtkImageMapper i used - or better the way i used them. The bug is 
>> certanly in my code.
>> Any suggestions ?
>> Kind regards,
>> Tom
> Hi Tom,
> You need to set the renWin to the same size as the image...
> int dims[3];
> connector->GetOutput()->GetDimensions(dims);
> renWin->SetSize(dims[0],dims[1]);
> the parallel scale should be set to half the y image dimension:
> ren2->GetActiveCamera()->SetParallelScale(dims[1]/2);
> hth
> Goodwin

Hi Goodwin,

i thought renWin->SetSize(x,y); sets the dimension of the renderWindow 
in display-coordinates. This is exactly what i wanted to avoid. I have a 
userdefinded Windowsize and i want to fit my image into that.

After reading more and more in the mailinglistarchive i found out that 
my problem seemes to be the use of vtkActor2D as this simply doesnt take 
account of camera settings. Someone may correct me if i am wrong.

Your Code:

>/         here's the bit you need: (app is an image; numCol and numRow are
/>/         the image
/>/         dims)
/>/         vtkImageActor ia
/>/         ia SetInput [app GetOutput]
/>/         ia InterpolateOff
/>/         vtkRenderer ren1
/>/         ren1 AddActor ia
/>/         ren1 SetBackground 1 1 1
/>/         vtkRenderWindow renWin
/>/         renWin AddRenderer ren1
/>/         renWin SetSize [expr $numCol / 4] [expr $numRow / 4]
/>/         vtkInteractorStyleImage istyle
/>/         vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
/>/         iren SetRenderWindow renWin
/>/         iren SetInteractorStyle istyle
/>/         [ren1 GetActiveCamera] ParallelProjectionOn
/>/         #fit the image to the render window
/>/         [ren1 GetActiveCamera] SetParallelScale [expr $numRow / 2]
/>/         renWin Render
/>/         hth
/>/         Goodwin

found in http://public.kitware.com/pipermail/vtkusers/2005-May/079949.html seemes to bring me right back on track as it gives me the missing link vtkImageActor.

Thank you very much for your help !

King regards,

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