[vtkusers] vtkSurfaceReconstructionFilter input

Amy Squillacote amy.squillacote at kitware.com
Wed May 24 16:22:04 EDT 2006

Hi Shawn,

The FillInputPortInformation method of that class specifies that the 
required data type is vtkDataSet. That means that this class accepts 
any subclass of vtkDataSet as input. Since both vtkPolyData and 
vtkUnstructuredGrid are subclasses of vtkDataSet, either type of 
object can be used as input.

- Amy

At 04:07 PM 5/24/2006, shawn mckenziie wrote:
>Hi all, i am fairly new to VTK. I am curious as to what input the 
>surfaceReconstructionFilter can accept...only vtkPolyData objects, 
>or can it also work with unstructured grids.
>Since it only uses the input points should it not accept 
>unstructured grids as well?
>Also is there a set input method, or how does it recognize this input object?
>Thanks, any help is appreciated
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