[vtkusers] Texture problems

Roger Blum roger_blum at swissonline.ch
Tue May 2 03:34:29 EDT 2006

Hi everybody,

I try to put JPG images as a texture on some polygones (vtkPolyData). To 
achieve this is have the following pipeline:

vtkPoints ------
                           >  vtkPolyData ------> vtkPolyDataMapper -------
vtkCellArray ---  
 > vtkActor
vtkJPEGReader ------> vtkTexture ----------------------------------

I have created a Tcl test script to experiment with different PolyData.
- If I create the polydata with vtkCubeSource the texture is displayed 
correctly on 2 (of 6) sides of the cube.
- If I create the polygons with point/cells, the color of the whole polygon 
is the same (depending on the colors of the image).

I insert my test script for illustration purposes. To change the polydata 
source just comment/uncomment the appropriate line following the 
vtkPolyDataMapper instantiation (PDM SetInput ...)

Note: I have done this with vtk 5.0 on Windows.

Any hint to slove the problem is very much appreciated.

# ----------------------------------

# File: testCubeTexture.tcl

# Created by vtkgui v 1.0

# ----------------------------------

vtkCommand DeleteAllObjects

# ------------------------------------------------------------

# Call the VTK Tcl packages to make available all VTK commands

# ------------------------------------------------------------

package require vtk

package require vtkinteraction

package require vtktesting

# --------------------------------------------------------------

# Create a Renderer, a RenderWindow and a RenderWindowInteractor

# --------------------------------------------------------------

vtkRenderer R

R SetBackground 0.1 0.1 0.1

R SetLightFollowCamera 1

vtkRenderWindow RW

RW AddRenderer R

RW AddRenderer R

RW SetSize 981 482

vtkRenderWindowInteractor RWI

RWI SetRenderWindow RW

RWI SetLightFollowCamera 1

# -----------------------

# Create the VTK pipeline

# -----------------------

vtkCubeSource CS

CS SetCenter 0 0 0

CS SetXLength 1

CS SetYLength 1

CS SetZLength 1

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Define polygons

vtkPoints P

P InsertPoint 0 771000 266000 1

P InsertPoint 1 776000 266000 1

P InsertPoint 2 776000 260000 1

P InsertPoint 3 771000 260000 1

P InsertPoint 4 765000 270000 1

P InsertPoint 5 771000 275000 1

P InsertPoint 6 776000 275000 1

P InsertPoint 7 782000 270000 1

P InsertPoint 8 765000 290000 1

P InsertPoint 9 776000 290000 1

P InsertPoint 10 776000 280000 1

P InsertPoint 11 771000 280000 1

vtkPolygon PG1

[PG1 GetPointIds] SetNumberOfIds 4

[PG1 GetPointIds] SetId 0 3

[PG1 GetPointIds] SetId 1 2

[PG1 GetPointIds] SetId 2 1

[PG1 GetPointIds] SetId 3 0

vtkPolygon PG2

[PG2 GetPointIds] SetNumberOfIds 6

[PG2 GetPointIds] SetId 0 0

[PG2 GetPointIds] SetId 1 1

[PG2 GetPointIds] SetId 2 7

[PG2 GetPointIds] SetId 3 6

[PG2 GetPointIds] SetId 3 5

[PG2 GetPointIds] SetId 3 4

vtkPolygon PG3

[PG3 GetPointIds] SetNumberOfIds 4

[PG3 GetPointIds] SetId 0 11

[PG3 GetPointIds] SetId 1 10

[PG3 GetPointIds] SetId 2 9

[PG3 GetPointIds] SetId 3 8

vtkCellArray CA

CA InsertNextCell PG1

CA InsertNextCell PG2

CA InsertNextCell PG3

vtkPolyData PD

PD SetPoints P

PD SetPolys CA

vtkLinearExtrusionFilter LEF

LEF SetInput PD

LEF SetExtrusionTypeToVectorExtrusion

LEF SetVector 0 1 1

LEF SetScaleFactor 3000

LEF CappingOn

vtkCleanPolyData CPD

CPD SetInput PD

vtkPoints P2

P2 InsertPoint 0 1 1 1

P2 InsertPoint 1 1 2 1

P2 InsertPoint 2 2 2 1

P2 InsertPoint 3 2 1 1

vtkCellArray CA2

CA2 InsertNextCell 4

CA2 InsertCellPoint 0

CA2 InsertCellPoint 1

CA2 InsertCellPoint 2

CA2 InsertCellPoint 3

vtkPolyData PD2

PD2 SetPoints P2

PD2 SetPolys CA2

vtkPlaneSource PS

vtkPolyDataMapper PDM

# PDM SetInput [PS GetOutput]

# PDM SetInput [LEF GetOutput]

# PDM SetInput PD

# PDM SetInput [CS GetOutput]

# PDM SetInput [CPD GetOutput]

PDM SetInput PD2

PDM SetNumberOfPieces 1

PDM SetScalarRange 0 1

PDM SetColorMode 0

PDM SetResolveCoincidentTopology 0

PDM SetScalarMode 0

PDM SetImmediateModeRendering 0

PDM SetScalarVisibility 1

PDM SetUseLookupTableScalarRange 0


JPEGR SetOutput [JPEGR GetOutput]

JPEGR SetFileName C:/temp/mytexture.jpg

JPEGR SetFilePattern %s.%d

JPEGR SetDataByteOrder 1

JPEGR SetDataScalarType 3

vtkTexture T

T SetInput [JPEGR GetOutput]

T SetQuality 0

T SetInterpolate 1

T SetMapColorScalarsThroughLookupTable 0

T RepeatOff

vtkActor A

A SetMapper PDM

A SetTexture T

A SetOrigin 0 0 0

A SetPosition 0 0 0

A SetScale 1 1 1

A SetPickable 1

A SetVisibility 1

# -----------------------------------

# Insert all actors into the renderer

# -----------------------------------

R AddActor A

# -------------------------------------

# Reset the camera and show the console

# -------------------------------------

R ResetCamera

R ResetCameraClippingRange

RW Render

#RWI Start

;# To enable a console, uncomment next line

#console show

wm withdraw .


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