[vtkusers] about load image data repeatedly

Yixun Liu yxliu at fudan.edu.cn
Wed Mar 29 20:42:02 EST 2006

I need to use the vtkVolume16Reader to read 512x512x100 image repeatedly. The code is as

//v16 is instanced in constructor
 vtkVolume16Reader *v16 = vtkVolume16Reader::New();

//the below codes is called repeatedly when the image is need to be loaded 
    v16->SetDataDimensions (512,512);
    v16->SetImageRange (1,100);
    v16->SetFilePrefix ("C:\\MyVC\\temp\\raw1\\IM");
    v16->SetDataSpacing (0.775, 0.775, 1.0);

If I load the image data again, I do not know if the memroy for the first image data can be released.


Yixun Liu

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