[vtkusers] Suggestion request (feat. jpg pic): 2D outline on ImagePlaneWidget from polydata?

bailleul jonathan jonathan.bailleul at utc.fr
Thu Mar 16 19:41:29 EST 2006

Dear all,

I'm assessing the quality of MRI segmentation, and I'm puzzled in 
visualizing the matching between the segmented model (3d polydata) and 
the MRI image:


Here, they don't match very well, but that was quite intentional ;)

My problem is: Can I obtain the intersection of the polydata with an 
ImagePlaneWidget as a 2D outline? That would enable me to display the 
structure boundary in the best visual condition to discriminate the 
inside from the outside. Notice we can visually infer it on this case, 
but I have many others where the polydata is too dense and barely allows 
to see through.

Playing rough, I could retrieve the plane coordinates and compute, for 
each polydata triangle, the possible segment intersecting the plane, but:

- I have no clue on updating this when the ImagePlaneWidget is moved
- I feel like your better understanding of VTK would probably suggest a 
smarter option (shame on me).

Please receive by advance all my thanks for any hint.

Best regards,

PS: If you know about some other (possibly kitware's) program that would 
be specialized on such purposes, I'd be glad to hear about it also!

Dept. Génie Biomédical - UTC Compiègne
Doctorant au GREYC Image - ENSICAEN

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