[vtkusers] a little Problem trying the VTK Medical example (VTK/Examples/Medical/Cxx/Medical1.cxx)[2]

charfeddine amir charfeddine_amir at yahoo.fr
Wed Mar 15 02:38:24 EST 2006

dear mahmoud 
 thx for reply
 no the problem is that the volume is cutted into 4 parts and each part is shifted  from its place, i explain :
 lets say may volume have the form of a 3D  ()   
 when i visualize it, i get something like  )(
 and i cheked the file order too, and they are ordered.
 i dont understand where is the error, may be i'm doing some stupid error.
mahmoud ismail <mahmoudtheleader2003 at yahoo.com> a écrit : dear charfeddine
  if your problm is that the volume u display is appearing upset down
  so you can solve this problem in displaying phase 
  you can change camera position  using method setposition
  or roll it using rollin function

  note I think that this problem appeared because the dicom images in your folder is not ordered
  I hope that this will help
charfeddine amir <charfeddine_amir at yahoo.fr> wrote:
  Hi all,
I'm new with VTK , so please support me if i ask stupid questions,
I tried the example Medical1.cxx to reconstruct the VTKData/Data/headsq/quarter , and evry thing was OK, but when i tried it with my volume, i get a little problem.
he reconstruct the volume but inverted, i explain :
suppose my  volume is composed of 64 slice (volume.1, ... , volume.64)
the volume i get is like resulting from slice ordered like this : volume.1, volume.2,.., volume.32, volume.64, volume.63, volume.62, ..., volume.33
please if someone could help me there, i can send u my volume to try that and understand my problem.
thx a lot for your time,
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