[vtkusers] 2D Filters on 3D dataset

Kitslaar, P.H. (LKEB) P.H.Kitslaar at lumc.nl
Fri Jul 14 04:48:57 EDT 2006



I'm using a couple of vtkImageDilateErode3D filters in a pipeline on a
3D dataset (VTK 4.2). I put all the z-components of the KernelSize
variable to 1, so it acts as a 2D filter.

When I view the result in a vtkImageViewer and step through the slices I
get very quick responses. But when I later call UpdateWholeExtent it
takes a very long time to update.

If the ImageViewer can step through all the slices (400) within 2
seconds why does it take about 20 seconds for the UpdateWholeExtent call
to finish?




Pieter Kitslaar

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