[vtkusers] how to connect between vtkDataObject and vtkunstructuredGrid?

Uriah Liggett uliggett at sark.com
Fri Jan 20 16:24:11 EST 2006

Actually, you shouldn't even need to do what I stated before.  Since 
vtkUnstructuredGrid is a subclass of vtkDataObject, you can simply pass 
the grid directly to the marching cubes (which will see it as a 
vtkDataObject) without any problems.

LM wrote:

> I would like to ask some small question..
> I have the output of the threshold filter "unstructuredGrid"
> and the MarchingCubes take input of type "vtkDataObject" which is a 
> super class of the "vtkunstructuredGrid"
> how to connect between them???
> means.. that i want to get the output of the threshold filter.. and 
> input it into the marchingCubes..
> thanks in advance
> LM
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