[vtkusers] image region connectivity problems

Uriah Liggett uliggett at sark.com
Thu Jan 19 09:11:03 EST 2006

I need to perform a vtkConnectivityFilter on vtkImageData, and send the 
resulting image data  back to my application with the regions colored 
differently.  I'm able to retrieve all the points from the cells that 
make up the regions, but I am unsure how to get the color of the 
regions. How can I distinguish between the multiple regions returned by 
the connectivity filter?

vtkConnectivityFilter* pConnFilterOut = vtkConnectivityFilter::New();
int dims[3]; // the output image dimensions
unsigned char *outArr; // an pointer to the output image's sclars
int cellCount = pConnFilterOut->GetNumberOfCells();
for(int i=0; i < cellCount; i++)
            float cell[3];
            float tuple[3];
            float color;
            vtkPoints * points = pConnFilterOut->GetCell(i)->GetPoints();

            for(int j=0; j < points->GetNumberOfPoints(); j++)
                float point[3];
                points->GetPoint(j, point);
                outArr[int(point[1]) * dims[0] + int(point[0])] = 0xFF; 
// populate the output image

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