Fwd: [vtkusers] Texture Mapping Problem....Please Help !!!!!

Deepak Roy cdeepakroy at gmail.com
Tue Jan 17 18:08:38 EST 2006

Hello Marc,

I had the idea of trying different texture interpolation options long back
but was impaired by the facility that vtkTexture provides. All that is
offered in the public interface of the vtkTexture class is Interpolate
On/Off. It does not give me any provision to change the way the
interpolation is done.

I also posted a question on VTK long back, but no one replied. I think it is
time to post one again.

>> Also, have you tried different texture files? Is the crack pattern, if
reproducible, the same?

I have the human body surface models of 10 subjects in the form of vrml
files. The pattern of cracks, though not exactly the same in all these cases
( if you are very picky about the exact regions where these cracks are
visible)  look similar.

I also tried some VRML triangular meshes of Human Faces, by borrowing them
from a Face Project group here. I see similar type of cracks even in those
face models. All the 3 face models i tested have more or less similar
pattern of cracks though not exactly similar.

However in all these cases, if i do not apply the texture there are no
cracks whatsoever.

Wiaitng for your comments.....



On 1/17/06, Marc Cotran <marc at cotran.ca> wrote:

> Deepak Roy wrote:
> > Seems like a lot of mutually benefiting discussion. I like it.
> Indeed...
> >
> > Infact i was looking for a way to play with the clamping and
> > interpolation options of the texture in VTK. But i found no way to do
> > this.
> >
> > All vtkTexture provides us is Interpolate On/Off and Repeat On/Off.
> >
> > Do you know how to change the way the texture interpolation is done.
> >
> > No I do not - but have you tried using Flat interpolation instead of
> > Gouraud or Phong? This will help me figure out if you are having a
> > problem with the geometry or the texture.
Also, have you tried different texture files? Is the crack pattern, if
reproducible, the same?

> I hope this might solve my problem.

I really don't have enough experience with vtkTextures to say either way...

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