Fwd: [vtkusers] Texture Mapping Problem....Please Help !!!!!

Deepak Roy cdeepakroy at gmail.com
Tue Jan 17 14:51:34 EST 2006

Hello Marc,

Thanks for the reply again. I greatly appreciate your effort.

I see that, the reason behind your cracks has got something to do with the
geometry problems rather than texture, as you see the cracks even if the
texture is not applied.

Unlike you, in my case if i do not apply the texture, the model exhibits no
cracking whatsoever. This is the reason, i was sure that there is something
wrong with the texture rather than the geometry in my case.

I am not sure what might be the problem ?

*When I pass the data through a quadric decimation algorithm, like you I
lose the texture (not sure why) but the cracks disappear.*

I guess the reason you loose the texture once you decimate your mesh is may
be the per vertex texture information is not calculated by VTK internally
for the new decimated mesh. For that reason probably the decimated mesh is
displayed in uniform solid color.

*I assume you tried ->PreventSeamOn() right?
what is this for.

Waiting for your reply...

On 1/17/06, Marc Cotran <marc at cotran.ca> wrote:
> Deepak Roy wrote:
> > vtkPolyDataNormals *pMeshNormalGenerator = vtkPolyDataNormals::New();
> >
> > pMeshNormalGenerator->SetInput( pInputMesh );
> >
> > pMeshNormalGenerator->SetFeatureAngle( 60.0 );
> >
> > pMeshNormalGenerator->Update();
> >
> > Waiting for your reply.....
> >
> Hi Deepak,
> I was able to reproduce the cracks using the example I sent just now but
> with a vtkCleanPolyData object instead of a vtkClipPolyData object...
> I'm wondering now if you have a vtkCleanPolyData object somewhere in
> your pipeline that is somehow responsible for the cracks.
> Marc
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