[vtkusers] MFC splitter window for vdk

rex073 rex073 at 163.com
Sat Feb 25 20:50:28 EST 2006

Dear Sir,

Using the MFC view class based on CView to attach that right window.
It should be done in the OnCreatClient(). Such as m_wndSplitter.CreateView().

Then you can add these steps as below in the OnCreate():
You may use vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow class.
And try the fuctions as SetparentId and SetWindowId.
You can have detailed examples in the VtkDoc(). 
Just try. It can be done.
>I want to create a splitter window using MFC that shows a vtk scene and a
>toolbox on the side. To give you an idea, here is what I need:
>As you can see there is a tool bar on the left hand side of the vdk scene. I
>have been trying to implement this using splitter windows but with no luck.
>Every time I try to make the vdk window a child of the splitter document, it
>renders the scene in its own window like this:
>How can I make sure that the vdk scene stays inside the parent? Maybe I am
>not setting the parent correctly? Here is a how I am setting the vdk parent
>right now:
>Syed Ijaz
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        rex073 at 163.com

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