[vtkusers] 3D Visualization of Map Data

Ron Chapman Ron.Chapman at rwdi.com
Thu Feb 2 16:53:35 EST 2006

I have been trying to get VTK to plot 3D map data, but am running into
some problems.
Read  x,y,z file into points
Manually create polygons from this and store cells in vtkPolyData
This works fine and I can see my map in 3D
I then need to overlay this 3D base map with roads, rivers, cut lines,
etc. which are stored in ESRI shape files.   I have been these shape
files using vtkShapefileReader (this was created by Malcolm Drummond of
this group).  Essentially it creates a bunch of vtkPolyLines in 2D.  
My problem occurrs when I try and map the 2D vtkPolyLine Data onto the
3D Surface and am not sure how to do this.
I've read numerous posts discussing texture mapping and originally was
thinking of transforming the 2D data into an image, and then texture
mapping onto my 3D surface.  I'm not sure this is the correct approach
and was wondering if there is a better way of doing this?
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