[vtkusers] How do I create motion in a VTK scene?

beth at portugalmail.pt beth at portugalmail.pt
Fri Dec 15 04:53:33 EST 2006


I have already a human being model drawn properly in my VTK window.
Now I want to make it walk/move. That means that several translations and/or 
rotations should be applied to the actor(s) after it has been rendered.
How can I accomplished that in VTK? 
I know how to use vtkTransform already, but I want to achieve a motion effect, 
without using any animation.
In fact, I'll read some kinematic data from a file and apply it to my model in 
real time.
There are several good examples of static scenes, but those that some motion 
is created, no...

Thanks for any help!

Best regards,

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