[vtkusers] snapshots from renderwindows

Amy Squillacote amy.squillacote at kitware.com
Wed Aug 30 10:46:42 EDT 2006

Try using vtkWindowToImageFilter followed by the image writer of your 
choice (e.g., vtkBMPWriter, vtkPNGWriter, vtkJPEGWriter, etc.).
- Amy

mweiss at cbs.mpg.de wrote:
> greetings,
> does someone know an easy going way to take snapshots from renderwindows?
> i've got lots of XMLPolyData and don't want to manually take snapshots
> using gimp :-)
> it should be possible to start the viewer with the XML file, then taking a
> snapshot automaticly, saving it and then closing itself. so using a simple
> batch file or csh-script should work for generating lots of snapshots from
> lots of XML-Files.
> Thanks in advance
> M.Weiß
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