[vtkusers] DICOM difficulties

Willy Thumber willythumber at verizon.net
Sun Apr 9 01:57:40 EDT 2006

Hi all,
I've got a running program using the vtkPNGReader which produces a  
nicely rendered image from a stack of .png files.  However, when I  
use the same program except for using the vtkDICOMImageReader to read  
in a stack of .dcm files, I get a flat image, as if the DICOM reader  
has no sense of the z-dimension.  Here's a snippet of my code, with  
the working PNG part commented out.

	vtkDICOMImageReader *DR = vtkDICOMImageReader::New();

     //vtkPNGReader *PR = vtkPNGReader::New();
     //PR->SetFilePrefix (argv[1]);

     vtkMarchingContourFilter *boneExtractor =  
     boneExtractor->SetValue(0, 200);

It works fine if I comment out the DICOM part and use the PNG reader  
for .png files.  Why can't the DICOM parser see that there is a z- 
dimension? I know that the .dcm files are good since I can examine  
them using OsiriX. Thanks in advance for any help.
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