[vtkusers] What's wrong with me?

yaolu at engineering.uiowa.edu yaolu at engineering.uiowa.edu
Wed Sep 14 13:44:52 EDT 2005

Thank you!! Sorry about that.

I think the program seg fault. so the stack trace is as follow: (sorry for the
ugly view)

> 	MyProject.exe!vtkUnsignedCharArray::GetPointer(const int id=0)  Line 
> 137 + 0x11	C++
	MyProject.exe!vtkImageToPolyDataFilter::ProcessImage(vtkUnsignedCharArray *
scalars=0x00000000, int * dims=0x016cf80c)  Line 692 + 0xa	C++
* pixels=0x00000000, int * dims=0x016cf80c, float * origin=0x016cf7ec, float *
spacing=0x016cf858, vtkPolyData * output=0x09c528d0)  Line 382 + 0x10	C++
	MyProject.exe!vtkImageToPolyDataFilter::Execute()  Line 169 + 0x2a	C++
	MyProject.exe!vtkSource::ExecuteData(vtkDataObject * 
__formal=0x09c51d28) Line 136 + 0x10	C++
	MyProject.exe!vtkSource::UpdateData(vtkDataObject * output=0x09c51d28)  Line
395 + 0x14	C++
	MyProject.exe!vtkDataObject::UpdateData()  Line 373 + 0x1a	C++
	MyProject.exe!vtkDataObject::Update()  Line 254 + 0xd	C++
	MyProject.exe!vtkSource::Update()  Line 138 + 0x1a	C++
	MyProject.exe!MyProjectGUIImplementation::Test()  Line 312 + 0xd	C++
	MyProject.exe!MyProjectGUI::cb_TestButton_i(Fl_Button * __formal=0x09c27078,
Fl_Button * __formal=0x09c27078)  Line 19 + 0xd	C++
	MyProject.exe!MyProjectGUI::cb_TestButton(Fl_Button * o=0x09c27078, void *
v=0x00000000)  Line 23	C++
	MyProject.exe!Fl_Widget::do_callback()  Line 189 + 0x18	C++
	MyProject.exe!Fl_Button::handle(int event=2)  Line 102	C++
	MyProject.exe!send(int event=2, Fl_Widget * to=0x09c27078, Fl_Window *
window=0x09c26e08)  Line 581 + 0xf	C++
	MyProject.exe!Fl::handle(int e=2, Fl_Window * window=0x09c26e08)  Line 670 +
0x11	C++
	MyProject.exe!mouse_event(Fl_Window * window=0x09c26e08, int what=2, int
button=1, unsigned int wParam=0, long lParam=43909818)  Line 470 + 0xb	C++
	MyProject.exe!WndProc(HWND__ * hWnd=0x000f03c0, unsigned int uMsg=514,
unsigned int wParam=0, long lParam=43909818)  Line 626 + 0x15	C++
	MyProject.exe!fl_wait(double time_to_wait=1.0000000000000000e+020)  Line
298	C++
	MyProject.exe!Fl::wait(double time_to_wait=1.0000000000000000e+020)  Line 290
+ 0xd	C++
	MyProject.exe!Fl::run()  Line 297 + 0x18	C++
	MyProject.exe!main(int argc=1, char * * argv=0x003e2da0)  Line 13	C++
	MyProject.exe!mainCRTStartup()  Line 400 + 0x11	C

Quoting Amy Squillacote <amy.squillacote at kitware.com>:

> Hi Jenny,
> Please be more specific about the problem you're seeing.  What 
> breaks?  Does the program seg fault?  If so, please include a stack 
> trace.  Does the program run but produce results you aren't 
> expecting?  If so, please explain what you expected to happen and how 
> that differs from the behavior you see.  Also, if this problem could 
> be platform-specific, please describe the platform: OS, compiler, 
> anything unusual about the hardware, etc.
> - Amy
> At 12:47 PM 9/14/2005, yaolu at engineering.uiowa.edu wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I don't understand what's wrong with my code. There is no compile error, but
>> when i  run it, it breaks.
>> vtkImageGridSource *imageGrid = vtkImageGridSource::New();
>>         imageGrid->SetGridSpacing(10,10,20);
>>         //imageGrid->SetGridOrigin(-94.710373,-69.638529,15.593220);
>>         imageGrid->SetDataExtent(0,160, 0, 160, 0, 20);
>>         imageGrid->SetDataScalarTypeToUnsignedChar();
>>         imageGrid->SetLineValue(1);
>>         imageGrid->SetFillValue(0);
>>         imageGrid->Update();
>> vtkTransform *Rotation = vtkTransform::New();
>>         //Rotation->SetMatrix(RotationMatrix);
>>         vtkImageToPolyDataFilter *imagepolydata = 
>> vtkImageToPolyDataFilter::New();
>>         imagepolydata->SetInput(imageGrid->GetOutput());
>>         imagepolydata->Update();
>>         vtkTransformPolyDataFilter *RotationFilter = 
>> vtkTransformPolyDataFilter::New();
>>         RotationFilter->SetTransform(Rotation);
>>         RotationFilter->SetInput(imagepolydata->GetOutput());
>>         RotationFilter->Update();
>>         vtkPolyDataMapper *rgridMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
>>         rgridMapper->SetInput(RotationFilter->GetOutput());
>>         vtkActor *wireActor = vtkActor::New();
>>         wireActor->SetMapper(rgridMapper);
>>         m_Renderer->AddActor(wireActor);
>>         m_Renderer->SetBackground(0,0,0);
>>         fltkRenderWindowInteractor->Initialize();
>>         fltkRenderWindowInteractor->show();
>>         fltkRenderWindowInteractor->redraw();
>> Thanks a lot!
>> Jenny
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