[vtkusers] Should the 5.0 branch be used instead of HEAD? (Was: A bug in vtkImageMapToColors?)

Lisa Avila lisa.avila at kitware.com
Tue Sep 13 14:47:23 EDT 2005

Hi All,

My bug - fixed now I hope. Please let me know how if this solves / doesn't 
solve your problem.


At 01:33 PM 9/13/2005, Kalle Pahajoki wrote:
>Kalle Pahajoki wrote:
>>I've recently noticed a strange behaviour in my software that I've got 
>>the behaviour repeated with the attached piece of code. In short, the 
>>output from vtkImageMapToColors is very odd. Sometimes some scalars 
>>(could be around range 200-255 or so) are mapped to black. Other times 
>>they are colored in weird colors that do not come from the ctf.
>I was too quick to pronounce this working in Linux.The installation I 
>tested it with had been tagged to an older version. With the newest 
>version, it does fail on linux too. Adding the explicit Update() Prabhu 
>suggested didn't help either.
>I tracked the problem down to 
>vtkColorTransferFunction::vtkColorTransferFunctionMapData  (that 
>vtkImageMapToColors uses), in particular
>the line:
>    const unsigned char *table = self->GetTable(0,255,256);
>produces a table where only the first 84 entries are filled.
>Browsing the CVS online, vtkColorTransferFunction tagged VTK-5-0 is a 
>version that I know will work correctly. I've never  ran into problems 
>with using the CVS before, so this is a new situation for me. Should I 
>draw the conclusion that it is wiser to use it instead of the HEAD branch? 
>Of course it's no longer so big of an issue since 5.0 is probably 
>up-to-date enough.
>Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
>Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by
>definition not smart enough to debug it.        -- Brian W. Kerninghan
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