[vtkusers] Triangular Mesh Datastructure

Steve M. Robbins steven.robbins at videotron.ca
Tue Sep 6 23:15:08 EDT 2005


On Tue, Sep 06, 2005 at 03:50:18PM -0700, Deepak Roy wrote:
> I am in search of a library, that supports the following:
>    A Robust Triangular Mesh Data Structure that stores vertices, faces, texture indices and texels, vertex-edge-face adjacency
>    Examining n-ring neighborhood of a vertex
>    Computing vertex curvatures
>    Mesh import from a vrml file
>    Connected component analysis of the mesh
>    Access to vertex and face normals
>    Sub mesh extraction
>    Affine Transformations on the mesh

To be honest, I'm not sure what all the items on your list mean; in
particular the word "robust".  However, if you mean that you want to
do exact geometric computation, then I would recommend the polyhedral
data structure of CGAL (www.cgal.org).  

CGAL should be able to "support" much of what you need, although you
might have to write some small bits of code.  


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