[vtkusers] OfficeTubes.tcl - TCL vs. C++ Anomaly

Divya Rathore divyaksr at iitk.ac.in
Mon Sep 5 03:29:50 EDT 2005

Dear Folks,

    Kindly excuse me for re-posting this mail but I wanted to get clarified 
about a few doubts of mine. It would be really nice if some user or somebody 
form Kitware could attend to this problem of mine.

I tried to convert officeTubes.tcl to a C++ program using MS VC++ 6.0. It 
seems that the C++ version gets different start points than the TCL version 
and hence the stream-tubes.

I digged further and found that 'officeTube.tcl' when converted to C++ works 
perfectly fine. So we see that the following lines in 'officeTubes.tcl' 
could be causing the problem:

vtkPointSource seeds
    seeds SetRadius 0.15
    eval seeds SetCenter 0.1 2.1 0.5
    seeds SetNumberOfPoints 6
vtkStreamLine streamer
    streamer SetInput [reader GetOutput]
    streamer SetSource [seeds GetOutput]

How exactly does the class vtkPointSource generates 6 points inside a sphere 
of given center and radius? Is it random? If so, is that what is causing the 
problem in TCL to C++ conversion of 'officeTubes.tcl' and and that 
'officeTube.tcl' doesn't use this makes it work?

It would be really nice if some user or somebody form Kitware could attend 
to this problem of mine and suggest a solution.

warm regards,
D. Rathore

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Divya Rathore" <divyaksr at iitk.ac.in>
To: <vtkusers at vtk.org>
Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2005 3:02 AM
Subject: [vtkusers] TCL vs. C++

Dear Users,

    We tried to convert a TCL script to C++ regarding StreamTubes [Examples
 >> VisualizationAlgorithms >> TCL >> officeTubes.tcl]. What we found is 
the results are different.

Kindly suggest corrections in our code, if any. See attached lines of code.

warm regards,
- D. Rathore
- G. Bayu


The lines of code which we feel are causing the problem are:

vtkPointSource seeds
    seeds SetRadius 0.15
    eval seeds SetCenter 0.1 2.1 0.5
    seeds SetNumberOfPoints 6
vtkRungeKutta4 integ
vtkStreamLine streamer
    streamer SetInput [reader GetOutput]
    streamer SetSource [seeds GetOutput]
    streamer SetMaximumPropagationTime 500
    streamer SetStepLength 0.5
    streamer SetIntegrationStepLength 0.05
    streamer SetIntegrationDirectionToIntegrateBothDirections
    streamer SetIntegrator integ

Following is our converted C++ code.

vtkPointSource *seeds = vtkPointSource::New();
seeds->SetCenter(0.1, 2.1, 0.5);

vtkRungeKutta4 *integ = vtkRungeKutta4::New();
vtkStreamLine *streamer = vtkStreamLine::New();

streamer->SetSource((vtkDataSet *)seeds->GetOutput());


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