[vtkusers] One renderer multiple render windows

Joe Miller lpe540 at yahoo.com
Thu May 26 11:52:54 EDT 2005


Looking through the archives I noticed some emails
saying it wasn't a good idea to use the same actor in
multiple renderer windows. I was wondering if the same
was true for the same renderer in multiple render
windows. I notice when I try to do this my windows no
longer refresh and when I close one they both close. I
was wondering if the problem I'm seeing is the same gl
list/context issue that was evident with the actor and
multiple window problem. I did quickly try to
SetImmediateModeRenderingOn in the mapper but that
didn't seem to do anything. I was curious if sharing
renderes like this was possible or if its something
that I really shouldn't be trying.

On an unrelated topic, in vtkGL2PSExporter.cxx right
before you render to the feedback buffer you redraw
the entire window. The only comment there is that it
prevents problems. I was curious if you knew what sort
of problems this prevents. I would really not like to
have to re render the window every time I print as I'd
like to change some aspects of the printed copy
without seeing them on the screen. I was curious how
big a problem it would be if I took this render call



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