[vtkusers] Arbitrary volumetric cells

vidyadhar vidyadhar at lucidindia.net
Wed May 11 06:06:07 EDT 2005

I have a body composed of different elements. Each element represents some finite volume enclosed by a closed surface. I need to associate some attributes to each element (volumetric properties, say refractive index). vtkPolyData satisfies all my needs for representing surfaces. My elements will be arbitrary in shape and this is where I have a problem. There are only a few volume primitives/cells defined in VTK. Different elements may or may not be touching each other. I will like to use vtkOBBTree for raycasting within the body and I need one vtkPolyData to represent entire body.

So I thought of defining a volumetric cell enclosed by arbitrary closed surface.

Is this possible and Will it work with OBB tree?
If the answer to both is yes, what steps I will have to take to implement this new cell type?
If not, are there some alternatives?

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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