[vtkusers] vtkPolyData array

buonni at freesurf.ch buonni at freesurf.ch
Fri Mar 4 19:52:54 EST 2005


I am pretty new to VTK and I'm struggling with array of vtkPoints and 
vtkPolyData. I would like to define a data of type (vtkPolyData **array) 
that I could Initialize as vtkPolyData *array[num] and initialize with 
*array[i] = vtkPolyData::New();
All that exercise is needed because I need to view a mesh with many 
"layers" (they can be selected run time) and at each "layer" I need to 
associate a color.

Are thee anybody that could give me a tip?

Thanks in advance, every suggestion is very appreciated
sunrise ADSL: gratis und so sicher wie noch nie
sunrise ADSL: Gratuit et plus sûr que jamais!
sunrise ADSL: Gratis e sicuro come non mai!

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