[vtkusers] wglMakeCurrentFailed (even in sample MFC apps!)

Charl P. Botha cpbotha at gmail.com
Thu Jun 30 08:16:23 EDT 2005

On 6/30/05, Mark Wyszomierski <markww at gmail.com> wrote:
> I just wanted to confirm that calling Finalize() from my
> vtkRenderWindow object in my destroy window handler stopped those
> wglMakeCurrent dump errors. Maybe this can be added to the MFC
> example, it occurred on a variety of ATI cards I used (all Nvidia were
> ok).

This was the idea behind adding the Finalize() call.  The errors that
you saw were due to the destruction of the containing window, whilst
the VTK components are reference counted and can't always be destroyed
at will.

When VTK 5 is released, all authors of widget set/VTK combinations
should adapt their code to take this into account.  Examples in VTK
will hopefully be updated as well.

charl p. botha http://cpbotha.net/ http://visualisation.tudelft.nl/

c.p.botha ||at|| ewi.tudelft.nl - tu delft work-related email
cpbotha ||at|| cpbotha.net - everything else

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