[vtkusers] Fwd: Dataset manipulation

William Wallace willy_wallace_81 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 20 13:32:57 EDT 2005

> Hi
> Firstly I apologize if my queries are obvious. I
> have
> just started using VTK.
> I have a 3D data set (500 X 500 X 100) of floats
> which
> are stored in BigEndian format. I am reading it
> using
> vtkStructuredPointsReader spreader
> spreader SetFileName
> "/home/bill/Downloaded/modified.vtk"
> spreader Update
> There are special points in the grid where no data
> is
> recorded. The value for this "no data" value is
> 1.0000000e+35
> I had a couple of questions regarding this:
> a) After reading the 3D set of points, is it
> possible
> to manipulate them such that the "no data" points
> are
> either ignored, or changed to a different value
> b) I am using an Intel P4 machine and Linux. Will
> StructuredPointsReader have issues with the
> BigEndian
> format? I didnot find SetByteOrderToBigEndian with
> the
> StructuredPointsReader.
> I would really appreciate any pointers about
> these issues.
> Thanks a lot
> William

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