[vtkusers] When is VTK 5 due to be released? (newbie)

Amy Squillacote amy.squillacote at kitware.com
Wed Jun 8 13:31:39 EDT 2005

No, there are not any pre-compiled binaries for Mac OS X that I know 
of.  (There are none available from Kitware's web site.)

- Amy

At 12:39 PM 6/8/2005, Sean McBride wrote:
>On 2005-06-08 12:01, Amy Squillacote said:
> >VTK 4.4 was released in early 2004.  It has been tested, used extensively,
> >etc., just like any other release.  I would recommend starting with 4.4.
>Great, thanks for this info!  Now to try compiling it. :)  I don't
>suppose there are any pre-built binaries out there for Mac OS X?
>Take care,
>Sean McBride, B. Eng                 sean at rogue-research.com
>Rogue Research                        www.rogue-research.com
>Mac Software Developer              Montréal, Québec, Canada

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