[vtkusers] Clouds of points from .txt?? Mesh in itk or in vtk?

Andrew Maclean a.maclean at cas.edu.au
Mon Jun 6 19:14:38 EDT 2005

As a start vtkParticleReader can now read text files. This will produce a
vtkPolyData structure. You could probe this dataset with a vtkImage dataset
and contour.

-----Original Message-----
From: syssboxx-vtk at yahoo.fr [mailto:syssboxx-vtk at yahoo.fr] 
Sent: Monday, 6 June 2005 05:44
To: VTK forum
Subject: [vtkusers] Clouds of points from .txt?? Mesh in itk or in vtk?

Hi to all users,

I need some help.
I've made some processings with ITK so now I have a
volume .mhd file with the contours of IRM images.From
it I have exported a .txt file with the x, y,z 
coordonates of each slice in the volume.
I want to visualise the clouds of points of the
contour of the head and then make a mesh on it.
What's the best way to do it - can I make a clouds of
points in itk from my .txt file and what's better -
make a mesh in vtk or make a mesh in itk and then
connect it to vtk.In this case which filters can I
use? Is there some exemple like this in itk??
Yhanks very much to everyone that helps!!!

Stanislava IVANOVA


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