[vtkusers] LookupTable with (x,y,z)

João Cunha jdc at lnec.pt
Fri Jul 29 08:42:51 EDT 2005

patgo at sapo.pt wrote:

> Hello,
> I plotted a set of points (x,y,z) and used the 2D Delaunay
> triangulation to make a surface graphic. This worked just fine! Now I
> want the graphic to apear in different colors, acordding to the zz
> coordinate. I built a LookupTable but it doesn't work. Why?
> All the vtkLookupTable examples use previously built files with data
> so they're not helping me...
> Does anybody know how I can do this?
> Thanks,
> Patrícia Gonçalves
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Could you attach the relevant piece of code, the one that does not work ?
João Cunha

João Duarte Cunha
Director do Centro da Qualidade na Construção
jdc at lnec.pt

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