[vtkusers] tkAppInit build error

Yong Zhang yongzhang1975 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 28 19:07:57 EDT 2005

Dear vtk users:
To run a previous program, I have been building vtk4.0
on a SGI machine running IRIX 6.5.  But I got a link problem
for tkAppInit.o.
I installed the vtk under /work/my account/, gave the
correct paths to tck/tk include and library folders 
(also under /work/my account/) and turned on the shared 
libraries during the cmake configuration, but still got the same
 I checked the vtk list archive and found a message saying that
the problem is due to old tcl/tk headers in /usr/local/include.
We got several versions of tcl/tk installed on the machine.  Do I 
have to remove all the other versions of tck/tk?  I cannot 
understand why this could happen since I already set paths 
to the right version (under /work/my account, not /usr/local).
I attached the error message below.  The strange thing 
I found is that I got two sets of switches which are exactly
the same (from -lvtkpng to --lvtkParallel).  Do I also need to 
modify the cmakelists file under vtk/wrapping/tcl?
Your reply will be greatly appreciated!

Error message:

/usr/bin/CC   tkAppInit.o  -L/work/yzhang3/vtk/vtksrc/VTK/bin/ -L/work/yzhang3/t
cl/lib -L/work/yzhang3/tk/lib -lvtkpng -lvtkzlib -lvtkjpeg -lpthread -lm -lvtkIm
agingTCL -lvtkGraphicsTCL -lvtkIOTCL -lvtkFilteringTCL -lvtkCommonTCL -lvtkIO -l
vtkGraphics -lvtkImaging -lvtkFiltering -lvtkCommon -lGL -lXt  -lSM -lICE  -lX11
 -lXext  -lvtkRenderingTCL -lvtkRendering -lvtkPatentedTCL -lvtkPatented -lvtkHy
bridTCL -lvtkHybrid -lvtkParallelTCL -lvtkParallel -lvtkpng -lvtkzlib -lvtkjpeg 
-lpthread -lm -lvtkImagingTCL -lvtkGraphicsTCL -lvtkIOTCL -lvtkFilteringTCL -lvt
kCommonTCL -lvtkIO -lvtkGraphics -lvtkImaging -lvtkFiltering -lvtkCommon -lGL -l
Xt  -lSM -lICE  -lX11 -lXext  -lvtkRenderingTCL -lvtkRendering -lvtkPatentedTCL 
-lvtkPatented -lvtkHybridTCL -lvtkHybrid -lvtkParallelTCL -lvtkParallel -Wl,-rpa
 -o /work/yzhang3/vtk/vtksrc/VTK/bin/vtk
ld32: WARNING 84 : /work/yzhang3/vtk/vtksrc/VTK/bin/libvtkpng.so is not used for
 resolving any symbol.
ld32: WARNING 84 : /work/yzhang3/vtk/vtksrc/VTK/bin/libvtkjpeg.so is not used fo
r resolving any symbol.
ld32: WARNING 84 : /usr/lib32/libpthread.so is not used for resolving any symbol
ld32: WARNING 84 : /usr/lib32/libGL.so is not used for resolving any symbol.
ld32: WARNING 84 : /usr/lib32/libXt.so is not used for resolving any symbol.
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "Tcl_CreateInterp" -- 1st referenced b
y tkAppInit.o.
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos ar
e loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "Tk_MainEx" -- 1st referenced by tkApp
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos ar
e loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "Tcl_Init" -- 1st referenced by tkAppI
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos ar
e loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "Tk_Init" -- 1st referenced by tkAppIn
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos ar
e loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "Tcl_Eval" -- 1st referenced by tkAppI
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos ar
e loaded.  
ld32: ERROR   33 : Unresolved text symbol "Tcl_SetVar" -- 1st referenced by tkAp
        Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos ar
e loaded.  
ld32: INFO    152: Output file removed because of error.
*** Error code 2 (bu21)
*** Error code 1 (bu21)
*** Error code 1 (bu21)
*** Error code 1 (bu21)

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