[vtkusers] vtk build on Mac OSX -- more questions.

Sean McBride sean at rogue-research.com
Tue Jul 5 18:23:33 EDT 2005

On 2005-07-05 17:58, krs said:

>Well, I went past this error (must use the CVS sources) and came up  
>the next one (as below):

Is that with the default CMakeCache.txt?  Or did you tweak things?  For
me, the default builds.

>I found a possible solution in the archives on modifying a partiicular
>file in the CMake distribution

I'm curious, which?

> but I cant even compile CMake(using  
>from source) on OSX
>(errors are listed below, as well) -:(     Not making much progress  
>on my
>new Mac OS laptop!
>Any suggestions would be appreciated.
>     == krs
>Building object file cmDynamicLoader.o...
>/Users/krs/src/cmake-2.0.6/Source/cmDynamicLoader.cxx: In static  
>member function
>`static int cmDynamicLoader::CloseLibrary(void*)':
>/Users/krs/src/cmake-2.0.6/Source/cmDynamicLoader.cxx:185: error:  
>invalid conver
>sion from 'void*' to '__NSModule*'
>/Users/krs/src/cmake-2.0.6/Source/cmDynamicLoader.cxx:185: error:    
>argument 1 of 'bool NSUnLinkModule(__NSModule*, uint32_t)'

I used the prebuilt cmake, but for fun I tried to build it.  Same
error.  It looks like a genuine error to me.  I suspect the cmake people
are using some old os/compiler and don't realise the code is broken. Try
changing it from:

int cmDynamicLoader::CloseLibrary(cmLibHandle lib)
  // we have to use lib because the macro may not...

  NSUnLinkModule(lib, FALSE);

  return 1;


int cmDynamicLoader::CloseLibrary(cmLibHandle lib)

  return 1;

NSUnLinkModule isn't a macro, so I dunno what that first comment is about!

It then builds for me.  I'll file a bug.

Sean McBride, B. Eng                 sean at rogue-research.com
Rogue Research                        www.rogue-research.com 
Mac Software Developer              Montréal, Québec, Canada

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